The Iron Range Historical Society exists solely on donations and the efforts of volunteers. IRHS does not receive funding from any governmental entity or other historical society. The Society’s expenses consist of rent and utilities; there are no salaries paid. One hundred percent of your donations and dues are used to fund the Society’s mission. IRHS is proud to say there are over 290 members who belong to this organization.

The Iron Range Historical Society has five levels of membership. The current dues structure and memberships are:

Student $5.00 Paid Yearly (up to age 18)
Annual $15.00 Paid Yearly
Couples $20.00 Paid Yearly (one newsletter, both have voting privileges)
Business $50.00 Paid Yearly
Life $125.00 Paid Once

All members of IRHS are entitled to two hours of free research by office volunteers, unlimited research on their own, an invitation to the Society’s annual meeting, an opportunity to serve on the Board of Directors and to elect directors to the board, receive the quarterly publication - Where History Comes Alive, and three free photos from IRHS collections.

  • Non-members pay for research time at a rate of $5.00 per hour, with a $5.00 minimum charge.
  • Photographs carry a charge of $5.00 for each digital copy requested.

To renew your membership or to become a member of IRHS either click the yellow subscribe button below and enroll via PayPal or click the blue membership form button below, print the form and mail it along with your dues payment to the address on the form.
